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Our Mission is to support the transition of all under-utilized landscapes to edible and useful ecosystems for biodiversity benefits.

Interviews with Zach Loeks

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Jedediah shared a drawing with you 14.png
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Resilience in an increasingly uncertain future demands that most of our food must be grown locally.  Zach Loeks provides an approach that will be vital in a warming world.

David Suzuki 

About Ecosystem Solution Institue



Our experts work with the Edible Biodiversity Conservation Area and our satellite projects to trial food plant guilds and ecosystem designs and build knowledge to help the transition of landscapes to more biodiversity and food security.  Our educational programming teaches the step-by-step approaches for great gardening and edible landscaping using ecosystem design methods to help homeowners, small-farmers and community groups grow food and  resilience.  Our Action programs help catalyze the changes we research and teach by cost-sharing the development of edible education sites in communities, bring mobile labs to schools and spurring awareness through our Walk Across Where program that's highlight opportunities for planting in communities anywhere.

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