EPI Checklist
It's a Journey to increasing capacity for land transition
Steward and/or core group within a community
Site-suitable Guild. A companionship of edible and/or useful plants that are suitable for your area.
Long-lasting Plant Name Tags.
Educational Signage = Highly visible plant tags + mini signage + large Interpretive Panels
Proper Design & Site Preparation = Site Design + Records + Long-term Maintenance Plan. This includes important activities such as the seasonal use of rodent guards.
Educational Outreach = Well-defined space + social media + active plant dispersal
Community Transition = Active routine dispersal and planting of tagged plants
Biodiversity Conservation = Recorded and Registered Diversity + Active routine dispersal of tagged plants + policy activism for designation.
Highly Actionable Education = "How To" signage + workshops + educational social media.
Edible Diversity
Hot Spot
Living Laboratory
Source Point for Dispersal
EPI Qualities
It's a Journey to increasing capacity for land transition
Transition Catalysts
The transition of landscapes is improved by:
Education | Propagation | Inspiration
EPI Qualifications
It's a Journey to increasing capacity for land transition
Many of us have wonderful gardens, edible landscapes, and educational spaces- an EPI site can be any of these with the addition of some criteria to ensure the site also meets the goals of catalyzing land transition and societal transformation. There are three stages of evolving your site's capacity to educate, propagate and inspire change. These are EPI, EPI Plus and EPI Pro. Many educational sites fall somewhere within this spectrum already and becoming an EPI solidifies the mission of dispersing kowledge, plants and inspiration to transition more land to edible ecoligcal abundance. This mission is key at all stages of EPI evolution.
EPI Site
Many of us have wonderful gardens and edible landscapes- an EPI site can be any of these but has some criteria to ensure the site also meets the goals of catalyzing land transition and societal transformation.
An EPI Site has a steward, long-lasting plant tags and a site-suitable food plant guild. Steward(s) maintain and benefit from ecosystem services. Long-lasting metal name tags conserve the data of the plant varieties. The site-suitable guild is a companionship of plants that survive local environmental conditions, are successfully productive within the design and are sensational and provide goods and services that are enjoyed by stewards and community.
EPI Plus
1) Educational signage and interpretive panels
2) Good Design and Proper installation = Site Design + Management Plan + Seasonal Records
3) Educational outreach, such as social media
1) Active routine dispersal and planting of tagged plants. use of propagation days, community work bees and plant sale events.
2) Recorded and Registered Diversity, Successful varieties are recorded and available to the public online, in a book, database, or other media
3) Active workshops teaching key skills.Large Interpretive Panels that actively promote actionable knowledge, i.e. "How to Build a Raised Bed from Scratch"